Source for file LC_Page_Admin_Customer.php
Documentation is available at LC_Page_Admin_Customer.php
* This file is part of EC-CUBE
* Copyright(c) 2000-2007 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
require_once(CLASS_PATH .
* @author LOCKON CO.,LTD.
$this->tpl_subnavi =
$this->tpl_subno =
$this->tpl_pager =
$this->tpl_subtitle =
$this->arrPref =
array("pref_id", "pref_name", "rank"));
$this->arrJob =
$this->arrJob["不明"] =
$this->arrSex =
$this->arrPageRows =
$this->arrMAILMAGATYPE =
$this->arrHtmlmail[''] =
$this->arrHtmlmail[1] =
$this->arrHtmlmail[2] =
$this->arrStatus[1] =
$this->arrStatus[2] =
$this->arrColumnCSV =
array(0 =>
array("sql" =>
1 =>
array("sql" =>
2 =>
array("sql" =>
3 =>
array("sql" =>
4 =>
array("sql" =>
5 =>
array("sql" =>
6 =>
array("sql" =>
7 =>
array("sql" =>
8 =>
array("sql" =>
9 =>
array("sql" =>
10 =>
array("sql" =>
11 =>
array("sql" =>
12 =>
array("sql" =>
13 =>
array("sql" =>
14 =>
array("sql" =>
15 =>
array("sql" =>
16 =>
array("sql" =>
17 =>
array("sql" =>
"CASE WHEN sex = 1 "
" ELSE '女性' END AS sex",
18 =>
array("sql" =>
19 =>
array("sql" =>
"cast(birth as date) AS birth",
20 =>
array("sql" =>
"cast(first_buy_date as date) AS first_buy_date",
"csv" =>
21 =>
array("sql" =>
"cast(last_buy_date as date) AS last_buy_date",
"csv" =>
22 =>
array("sql" =>
23 =>
array("sql" =>
24 =>
array("sql" =>
25 =>
array("sql" =>
"cast(create_date as date) AS create_date",
26 =>
array("sql" =>
"cast(update_date as date) AS update_date",
$this->arrYear =
$objDate->getYear(); // 日付プルダウン設定
$this->arrMonth =
$this->arrDay =
$this->objDate =
$this->arrHidden['search_pageno'] =
($_POST['search_pageno']) ?
$_POST['search_pageno'] :
foreach ($_POST as $key =>
$val) {
$this->arrHidden[$key] =
$this->arrForm[$key] =
split("-", $val);
$this->arrHidden[$key] =
if (!isset
($_POST['mode'])) $_POST['mode'] =
if ($_POST['mode'] ==
"delete") {
$sql =
"SELECT status,email FROM dtb_customer WHERE customer_id = ? AND del_flg = 0";
$result_customer =
$objQuery->conn->getAll($sql, array($_POST["edit_customer_id"]));
if ($result_customer[0]["status"] ==
2) { //本会員削除
$arrDel =
array("del_flg" =>
1, "update_date" =>
$objQuery->conn->autoExecute("dtb_customer", $arrDel, "customer_id = " .
SC_Utils_Ex::sfQuoteSmart($_POST["edit_customer_id"]) );
} elseif ($result_customer[0]["status"] ==
1) { //仮会員削除
$sql =
"DELETE FROM dtb_customer WHERE customer_id = ?";
$objQuery->conn->query($sql, array($_POST["edit_customer_id"]));
if ($_POST['mode'] ==
"resend_mail") {
$arrRet =
$objQuery->select("name01, name02, secret_key, email", "dtb_customer","customer_id = ? AND del_flg <> 1 AND status = 1", array($_POST["edit_customer_id"]));
$this->name01 =
$this->name02 =
$this->uniqid =
$subject =
$toCustomerMail =
, $CONF["email03"] // 配送元アドレス
, $CONF["shop_name"] // 配送元 名前
, $CONF["email03"] // reply_to
, $CONF["email04"] // return_path
, $CONF["email04"] // Errors_to
$name =
$this->name01 .
$this->name02 .
" 様";
$objMail->setTo($arrRet[0]["email"], $name);
if ($_POST['mode'] ==
"search" ||
$_POST['mode'] ==
"csv" ||
$_POST['mode'] ==
"delete" ||
$_POST['mode'] ==
"delete_all" ||
$_POST['mode'] ==
"resend_mail") {
if (count($this->arrErr) ==
0) {
$page_rows =
if (!isset
($this->arrForm['search_pageno'])) $this->arrForm['search_pageno'] =
if ($this->arrForm['search_pageno'] ==
$this->arrForm['search_pageno'] =
$offset =
$page_max *
($this->arrForm['search_pageno'] -
$objSelect->setLimitOffset($page_max, $offset);
if ($_POST["mode"] ==
'csv') {
$searchSql =
$searchSql =
$this->search_data =
$objQuery->conn->getAll($searchSql, $objSelect->arrVal);
require_once(CLASS_EX_PATH .
$arrCsvOutput =
($objCSV->sfgetCsvOutput(2, " WHERE csv_id = 2 AND status = 1"));
if (count($arrCsvOutput) <=
0) break;
foreach($arrCsvOutput as $data) {
$arrColumn[] =
if ($i !=
0) $header .=
", ";
$header .=
for($i =
0; $i <
count($this->search_data); $i ++
) {
$this->search_data[$i]["pref"] =
$this->arrPref[ $this->search_data[$i]["pref"] ];
$this->search_data[$i]["job"] =
$this->arrJob[ $this->search_data[$i]["job"] ];
$data =
SC_Utils_Ex::getCSVData($this->search_data, $arrColumn);
$where =
"product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM vw_products_nonclass AS noncls WHERE $where)";
$objQuery->update("dtb_products", $sqlval, $where, $arrval);
$sql =
"SELECT status,email FROM dtb_customer WHERE customer_id = ? AND del_flg = 0";
$result_customer =
$objQuery->conn->getAll($sql, array($_POST["del_customer_id"]));
if ($result_customer[0]["status"] ==
2) { //本会員削除
$arrDel =
array("del_flg" =>
1, "update_date" =>
$objQuery->conn->autoExecute("dtb_customer", $arrDel, "customer_id = " .
SC_Utils_Ex::sfQuoteSmart($_POST["del_customer_id"]) );
} elseif ($result_customer[0]["status"] ==
1) { //仮会員削除
$sql =
"DELETE FROM dtb_customer WHERE customer_id = ?";
$objQuery->conn->query($sql, array($_POST["del_customer_id"]));
$linemax =
$objQuery->conn->getOne( $objSelect->getListCount(), $objSelect->arrVal);
$this->tpl_linemax =
$linemax; // 何件が該当しました。表示用
$objNavi =
new SC_PageNavi($this->arrHidden['search_pageno'],
"fnCustomerPage", NAVI_PMAX);
$startno =
$this->arrPagenavi =
$this->arrCatList =
* K : 「半角(ハンカク)片仮名」を「全角片仮名」に変換
* C : 「全角ひら仮名」を「全角かた仮名」に変換
* V : 濁点付きの文字を一文字に変換。"K","H"と共に使用します
* n : 「全角」数字を「半角(ハンカク)」に変換
$arrConvList['customer_id'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['name'] =
"aKV" ;
$arrConvList['pref'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['kana'] =
"CKV" ;
$arrConvList['b_start_year'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['b_start_month'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['b_start_day'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['b_end_year'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['b_end_month'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['b_end_day'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['tel'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['birth_month'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['email'] =
"a" ;
$arrConvList['buy_total_from'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['buy_total_to'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['buy_times_from'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['buy_times_to'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['start_year'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['start_month'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['start_day'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['end_year'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['end_month'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['end_day'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['page_rows'] =
"n" ;
$arrConvList['buy_start_year'] =
"n" ; // 最終購入日 START 年
$arrConvList['buy_start_month'] =
"n" ; // 最終購入日 START 月
$arrConvList['buy_start_day'] =
"n" ; // 最終購入日 START 日
$arrConvList['buy_end_year'] =
"n" ; // 最終購入日 END 年
$arrConvList['buy_end_month'] =
"n" ; // 最終購入日 END 月
$arrConvList['buy_end_day'] =
"n" ; // 最終購入日 END 日
$arrConvList['buy_product_name'] =
"aKV" ; // 購入商品名
$arrConvList['buy_product_code'] =
"aKV" ; // 購入商品コード
$arrConvList['category_id'] =
"" ; // カテゴリ
foreach ($arrConvList as $key =>
$val) {
($this->arrForm[$key])) {
$objErr->doFunc(array("顧客コード", "customer_id", INT_LEN), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("都道府県", "pref", 2), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("顧客名", "name", STEXT_LEN), array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("顧客名(カナ)", "kana", STEXT_LEN), array("SPTAB_CHECK" ,"MAX_LENGTH_CHECK", "KANABLANK_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("誕生日(開始日)", "b_start_year", "b_start_month", "b_start_day"), array("CHECK_DATE"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("誕生日(終了日)", "b_end_year", "b_end_month", "b_end_day"), array("CHECK_DATE"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("誕生日(開始日)","誕生日(終了日)", "b_start_year", "b_start_month", "b_start_day", "b_end_year", "b_end_month", "b_end_day"), array("CHECK_SET_TERM"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("誕生月", "birth_month", 2), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array('メールアドレス', "email", STEXT_LEN) ,array("EMAIL_CHAR_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array('携帯メールアドレス', "email_mobile", STEXT_LEN) ,array("EMAIL_CHAR_CHECK", "MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("電話番号", "tel", TEL_LEN), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("購入金額(開始)", "buy_total_from", INT_LEN), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("購入金額(終了)", "buy_total_to", INT_LEN), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
if ( (is_numeric($array["buy_total_from"]) &&
is_numeric($array["buy_total_to"]) ) &&
($array["buy_total_from"] >
$array["buy_total_to"]) ) $objErr->arrErr["buy_total_from"] .=
"※ 購入金額の指定範囲が不正です。";
$objErr->doFunc(array("購入回数(開始)", "buy_times_from", INT_LEN), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("購入回数(終了)", "buy_times_to", INT_LEN), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
if ( (is_numeric($array["buy_times_from"]) &&
is_numeric($array["buy_times_to"]) ) &&
($array["buy_times_from"] >
$array["buy_times_to"]) ) $objErr->arrErr["buy_times_from"] .=
"※ 購入回数の指定範囲が不正です。";
$objErr->doFunc(array("登録・更新日(開始日)", "start_year", "start_month", "start_day",), array("CHECK_DATE"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("登録・更新日(終了日)", "end_year", "end_month", "end_day"), array("CHECK_DATE"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("登録・更新日(開始日)","登録・更新日(終了日)", "start_year", "start_month", "start_day", "end_year", "end_month", "end_day"), array("CHECK_SET_TERM"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("表示件数", "page_rows", 3), array("NUM_CHECK","MAX_LENGTH_CHECK"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("最終購入日(開始日)", "buy_start_year", "buy_start_month", "buy_start_day",), array("CHECK_DATE")); //最終購入日(開始日)
$objErr->doFunc(array("最終購入(終了日)", "buy_end_year", "buy_end_month", "buy_end_day"), array("CHECK_DATE")); //最終購入日(終了日)
//購入金額(from) > 購入金額(to) の場合はエラーとする
$objErr->doFunc(array("最終購入日(開始日)","登録・更新日(終了日)", "buy_start_year", "buy_start_month", "buy_start_day", "buy_end_year", "buy_end_month", "buy_end_day"), array("CHECK_SET_TERM"));
$objErr->doFunc(array("購入商品コード", "buy_product_code", STEXT_LEN), array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); //購入商品コード
$objErr->doFunc(array("購入商品名", "buy_product_name", STEXT_LEN), array("MAX_LENGTH_CHECK")); //購入商品名称
foreach ($arrForm as $key =>
$val) {
$val =
$where .=
" AND product_id = ?";
$where .=
" AND product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_products_class WHERE product_class_id = ?)";
$where .=
" AND name ILIKE ?";
($tmp_where, $tmp_arrval) =
" AND $tmp_where";
$where .=
" AND product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_products_class WHERE product_code ILIKE ? GROUP BY product_id)";
$date =
sfGetTimestamp($_POST['startyear'], $_POST['startmonth'], $_POST['startday']);
" AND update_date >= ?";
$date =
sfGetTimestamp($_POST['endyear'], $_POST['endmonth'], $_POST['endday']);
" AND update_date <= ?";
$product_flag =
if($product_flag !=
"") {
" AND product_flag LIKE ?";
$arrval[] =
foreach ($val as $element){
"AND (status LIKE ? ";
"OR status LIKE ? ";
Documentation generated on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 18:11:01 +0900 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2